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True Colours: Headwaters Arts

Sep 18, 2018 | In The Hills | Arts

A taste of what to expect from the 54 exceptional artists from across Headwaters and beyond.

Where Do Old Batteries Go?

Sep 18, 2018 | Anthony Jenkins | Environment

These transformers smash enemies of the ecosphere to fertilizer.

A scene from the Metropolitan Opera’s production of Carmen. Photo courtesy Metropolitan Opera.

Opera 101

Sep 18, 2018 | Gail Grant | Arts

In Every Issue

Local Buys: Hike in Style

Sep 18, 2018 | Tralee Pearce | Made in the Hills

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Field Notes for Autumn 2018

Sep 18, 2018 | Janice Quirt | Field Notes

What to see, do, try this fall.

Tina Daalderop leads a recent pole-walking hike. Poles help with balance, contribute to a full-body workout and can be useful aids in tricky situations. Photo by Rosemary Hasner / Black Dog Creative Arts.

Nordic Pole Walking

Sep 18, 2018 | Nicola Ross | Good Sport

Walking with poles: the fashionable walking stick morphs into essential hiking gear.

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Country Walks

Picnics! A Moveable Feast

Tralee Pearce | Made in the Hills

Sprawling out on a patch of grass with a picnic spread before you is among the greatest pleasures!

The Classic Revival style of the Dufferin County Court House was designed to impress the citizenry with the authority of the judiciary. Photo by Rosemary Hasner / Black Dog Creative Arts.

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Take a Walking Tour of Orangeville, Inglewood or Hillsburgh

Nicola Ross | Heritage

Soak up some fascinating local history and stroll the sidewalks of our towns and villages.